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Technical Description Self Reflection Memo

To: Professor Crystal Rodwell

From: Nadeem Alli

Date: April 3rd, 2021

Topic: Self Reflection Memo

Technical Product Description Self Reflection Memo

            The purpose of this self-reflection memo is to show how the Technical description aided me in developing specific skills the course learning objective requires such as utilizing the internet to locate appropriate sources, integrating and summarizing sources such as graphs and figures, and enhancing my current strategies of drafting and editing. The Technical Description was written to describe a new innovation’s functionality and physicality . In the process of writing the TD, I was tasked with creating a draft for peer editing and peer editing other drafts by different students. This task required by the TD forced me to create an organized draft that was easy to comprehend by a peer while also implementing the correct citations, format, and information such as a components size and function which enhanced my drafting skills. Additionally, peer editing other students’ drafts assisted me in enhancing my editing skills because it gave examples of other strategies and examples of imagery to implement within my paper. Lastly, the peer editing sessions created an environment where myself and other peers engaged in a collaborative attempt in developing our writing processes. I collaborated with other peers to edit each other’s papers while utilizing any techniques that stood out in their papers in my work.

            I improved on my ability to locate appropriate sources because the Technical Description required accurate information including different functionalities of components. This required that I had to go into technical videos and breakdowns of the components from the manufacturers so that I had appropriate sources. After gaining these sources, I also needed to correctly cite the information to avoid any plagiarism. The technical description forced me to utilize different websites of similar names forcing me to strengthen my citation skills to properly address each website without using the same names. The persuasive aspect of the Technical Description created difficulty in making a stance within the description and adhere to the CLO because my product had a few design flaws in comparison to opposing brands such as Apple. Therefore, implementing a stance such as Samsung has the best wireless headphone would lead to contradicting information, so I opted to be informative rather than persuasive.     

            In future papers, I plan on implementing stances within my writing to strengthen the paper, while utilizing different types of imagery and adjectives that will persuade the reader on why my stance is the best.