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LRA Self Reflection Memo

To: Prof. Crystal Rodwell

From: Nadeem Alli

Date: March 25, 2021

Topic: Self Reflection

Self-Reflection Memo

            Lab reports are used to convey comprehensible information to a reader. In this lab report analysis essay, three similar reports experimenting smartphone technology were compared section by section. The analysis essay was a descriptive paper aimed at discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the individual reports. Since I am pursuing an electrical engineering major, I wanted to analyze reports surrounding technology. This would allow me to determine the best format and guidelines for writing a lab report without including excessive information. The three reports were mainly compared to determine the strongest report, each report offered different strengths in their individual sections. The essay is aimed at similar engineering students so they can determine their best practices for writing a lab report. The LRA enhances strategies for reading, drafting , revising, editing and self-assessment. It accomplished this through the assignments purpose, I read each individual report and created a draft based on their differences then revised and edited the draft based on peer edits. Additionally, I negotiated different writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation. I accomplished this by determining how the analysis of these reports can be utilized within engineering in further classes instead of adhering to the initial goal of determining the strongest report. The LRA also included correct citations following APA format which adheres to the last CLO. The citations were created utilizing the information presented within the CCNY database which the three initial reports were found following the CLO pertaining to practicing using library resources. Lastly, with the use of the LRA checklist, the essay addresses most of the last few CLO’S. The checklist created a clear list of requirements allowing me to determine a stance within the LRA while engaging in the writing process to expand upon flaws in the initial reports. The LRA does fail to acknowledge linguistic differences and draw on them to create rhetoric sensibility. It also fails to explore effective writing across disciplinary context and beyond. Although it fails to adhere to two course learning objectives, it creates room for improvement for future writing where the remainder of the course learning objectives will be addressed.