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Blackboard Discussion Documenting Your Sources

I’m currently working in a group with Kyara, Radiyah , Moazam , and Miguel which will result in similar sources. However, we all use the same sources differently based on our sections.

A list of sources we are using:










The sources above all have different uses. I am currently working on the innovation process within my group alongside Miguel. I use the different links to check the areas of COVID cases to determine which areas are in high need of vaccinations since my group plans on developing a drone to assist with delivery. Additionally, I used the link that deals with dry ice to determine what temperature the vaccinations are store to help determine the proper temperature. We also have different links that are useful for cost and prices of similar products or drones that will help determine the cost of the overall innovation. Although the innovation has not been created, we are still researching to find things as similar as possible to get real world data within the proposal.


Peer Responses

A) I think it may be helpful to have a quote from a doctor or someone in the medical field on why your innovation is important to establish ethos with your audience.

B) I would like to suggest including the benefits of using innovation to draw the connection between the problem with vaccines and the solution through innovation.

C)Hey Nadeem. Where would you be getting the dry ice from, and what would be the cost of the dry ice? I feel like this is also a great topic since it would lower the risk of people getting covid since there’s going to be less human contact.


The purpose of the Documenting your sources discussion was to determine how peers are using their sources and receiving feedback or necessary tips to improve our respective proposals. The sources were utilized as research aids in which they describe the components and functions. However, some sources lacked relevant information that is necessary within the overall project which left rooms for peers to give helpful tips. Most tips revolved around the cost of their innovations because they all either missed it or brushed over the cost. There were also irrelevant sources given which were also pointed out by peers to show that it’s either repetitive, unnecessary or uncredible. Additionally, a few discussions also showed the lack of sources and added that sources should be found to show the effects of the innovation so the funders of the project would see the benefits of them.